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B ' Zappas Olympics 1870
B ' Zappas Olympics 1870
B ' Zappas Olympics 1870
B ' Zappas Olympics 1870
B ' Zappas Olympics 1870
B ' Zappas Olympics 1870

B ' Zappas Olympics 1870

Copper Medal

Engraver Barre

Mint Paris

Obverse : Head of King George A


               ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ ΑΘΗΝΗΣΙ ΑΩΟ'

The Zappas Olympics , were a series of athletic events held in Athens in 1859 , 1870 and 1888-1889 sponsored by Greek businessman Evangelis Zappas.These games were one of tghe first revivals of the Ancient Ol;ympic Games in the modern era.



B' Zappas Olympics 1870

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